How does STEM relate to my everyday life?
To many, the term ‘STEM’ is associated with people who have degrees or work in Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths. However, STEM impacts almost everyone daily, from driving your car to work; having contact with a friend who fixes bikes; having an interest in graphic design; looking at the architecture of buildings; rock climbing and even gardening.
Our Community Photo Project is aiming to breakdown the barriers that prevent people from wanting to participate in STEM related activities, with many science centre’s, like Techniquest now taking a more STEAM approach (Science, Technology, Engineering, ART and Maths).
The Photo Project is looking for amateur photographers from the Cardiff area. Whether that’s someone who enjoys taking photos on their phone or someone who is building a photography portfolio, we want everyone to feel involved.
THE BRIEF: We’re asking the Photographer to take a photograph or portrait of someone they know with a STEM interest or background. The STEM background person could be someone you know from your local church who teaches maths, someone who has a keen interest in the environment or nature, someone who enjoys growing vegetables in their community gardens and so on. The photographs can be taken in a studio, in a public area of interest or just in the comfort of your own home. We’re asking for all photos to be submitted by April 8th.
There will be an opportunity for 10 of the chosen photographs to be framed and exhibited in Techniquest’s Community Space. There will be a launch event on May 12th of the photographs for members of the community and partners to attend and view. All other entries will also be proudly displayed on our website and social media platforms.
This Project allows us to create a space within Techniquest that truly reflects the diverse people and backgrounds of Cardiff and the wide range of interests that people have, that knowingly or unknowingly link to STEM.
If you’d like to get involved or find out more details please contact or click the link to our Photographer Flyer or STEM Background Flyers.
Are you a Community Organisation or Individual? Connect with us at Techniquest, please contact us at
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